
Acoustic Saz

Original price was: €99.00.Current price is: €64.35.

Acoustic Saz is an extensively multi-sampled fretless 5-string Saz Baglâma brought home from the streets of Turkey, where master craftsman have been building them by hand for centuries. Using a wide, close pair of large-diaphragm mics in a dry studio, they painstakingly sampled all three string runs (low octave, middle and high unison) with 12x round robin and up to 6 velocity layers for open notes going up 1.5 octaves per string. They also captured palm mutes, string chokes, releases and tons of percussive effects.

They sampled a wide legato, or “slide” range for all three runs of strings with multiple velocity layers and 4x round robin. the Saz interface offers full control over how a note is played and which string it is played on. Hammer-on, pull-off, slide, choke and palm mute are all controlled per-string.

They’ve also included an intelligent auto-strumming system. There are special patches for creating custom tunedpercussion blends, effects, Uberpeggiator and of course ambiences. It also has a dynamic and adaptive arpeggiation system, capable of freestyle and 32-step tempo-synched humanized groove creation and chord/key constraint. The FX rack gives you access to Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Dynamics, Drive (featuring 4 different effects), 2 amp sims, 8 cabs, EQ, Filter, tempo-synched Delay and convolution Reverb with dozens of custom room and FX impulses.


  • Open notes covering 1½ octaves per string (12x RR)
  • Note releases covering 1½ octaves per string (12x RR)
  • Palm Mute notes covering 1½ octaves per string (12x RR)
  • Choked notes per string (12x RR)
  • True legato “slide” samples covering over an octave per string (4x RR)
  • 5 Different body impacts (12x RR)
  • A variety of string scrape effects
  • Dozens of finger slide sound effects ranging from short to long
  • 22 sound design ambient pads and leads built from bowing, eBowing and other methods

The Acoustic Saz includes a brand new innovative interface for amazing control:

  • Performance controls closely simulate real-world saz Functionality
  • Tuned Percussion preset type that allows two simultaneous yet independently controlled layers.
  • 70 custom environmental, room and FX reverbs integrated into every preset
  • The Uberpeggiator meta-arp system with velocity step sequencer, humanization, adaptive modes, roll simulation, chord and scale control and custom pattern loading (K5 only)
  • The Strumulator strumming system provides easy 1-key strums based on 12 different chords using multi-samples.
  • The Uberpeggiator meta-arp system with velocity step sequencer, humanization, adaptive modes, roll simulation, chord and scale control and custom pattern loading (K5 only)
  • The Glissatron arppegiation system provides easy 1-key glisses and arpeggios based on a variety of scales with customizable rhythm, direction, velocity and humanization.
  • Powerful new FX Rack with 8 fully-automatable FX modules from distortions to reverb.


Acoustic Saz Pluginsmasters Acoustic Saz Pluginsmasters Acoustic Saz Pluginsmasters



System Requirements for Acoustic Saz :

The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 5 (or later) is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library. We’ve also included legacy K4 versions of the main presets as well for Kontakt 4 users. The free Kontakt “Player” and “Add Library” import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows XP or higher. Mac OSX 10.6 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.

Product Specs

  • Product Version 1.0
  • 6.8 GB installed
  • 6,971 Samples
  • 13 Kontakt 5.1 .nki instrument presets
  • 11 Kontakt 4.2.4 .nki instrument presets (legacy)
  • 24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed PCM wav audio
  • Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization

Acoustic Saz Pluginsmasters