Phenomena contains two sound sources. Each source is packed with modern synthesizer sounds taken from a selection hardware synthesizers. Each source is multisampled and perfectly looped

Each Source can run individual gated patterns which can be assigned to Vol, LoPass, HiPass, BandPass, Distortion, LoFi, Formant, Skreamer or Rotary Effects.

Phenomena features an advanced ‘Mulit-key’ sequencer. Unlike other sequencers, this enables you to run up to 8 different sequencers at the same time based on how many notes are pressed on your keyboard. The first lane corresponds to the first key pressed, the second lane to the second key and so on. It’s incredibly flexible and easy to use.

For more information please check out the Sample Library Review:
“It offers a plethora of sounds that will make Daft Punk’s fans and 80s’ kids happy, without deluding those who are looking for more modern, Dub-Step influenced, sounds.
The step sequencer is very powerful and can individually control up to 8 different notes while every knob has its own LFO. A real joy to use when in need of polyrhythms!”