OHM Force Symptohm


“Syncgrain” synthesis. Sample based, only in Symptohm.
Melohman octave. Morph and randomize presets with your fingertips.
It’s a synth that goes to a massive filter bank…
…where every parameter can modulated in every way!



Think of Symptohm as a granular synth/sample player. Its engine is made of 2 SyncGrain Oscillators (SGOs), mixed with a ring-modulatable sub oscillator and a noise generator. Each SGO uses a single looping audio sample as a waveform source, and can be stretched, pitch-shifted, and even played backwards.


Filter types range from the classic low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, peak and notch, to the more exotic comb, ring modulator and moog-like – a replica of the classic Moog filter. They will do wonders on vocals, but also on drums and percussive elements in general.


Forget about easy analogue sounding patch or ultra realistic emulation: the 1000+ featured presets can’t suggest you even the slightest idea of the mind-blowing sounds you can achieve with Symptohm provided you take the time to read through the manual and are not afraid to explore new approaches to synthesis.


Designed to support playability and expressive human feeling, the Melohman technology lets you take advantage of full MIDI compatibility to command preset changes via a hardware controller, in 1 among 7 different modes, with the possibility to customise morphing speed. Perfect for live.

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System Requirements


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable.

Mac OS X

  • Mac OS X 10.9 and newer (64-bit only)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (64-bit only)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support or Apple Silicon processor

Note: Please check your product PDF documentation for more information and installation instructions.