Product details :
The PSP VintageEQ Bundle is a collection of powerful equalisation plugins, basing their designs on classic gear including British EQs and revamping them for the modern era. The VintageEQ Bundle consists of 7 plugins in total, including emulations of classic British gear, American gear and a combination of vintage filters. Whether you’re a sound designer looking to sculpt sound or an audio engineer searching for a classic flavour, the VintageEQ Bundle is a must-have.
The bundle is comprised of: NobleQ, ClassicQ, preQursor2, McQ, RetroQ, ConsoleQ and the E27. Each plugin has its own unique flavour, with some plugins providing the perfect hybrid of vintage and modern equalisation.
Key features :
- Bundle saving of 51 percent off RRP
- 7 equalization plugins including emulations of classic British EQs
- Includes NobleQ, ClassicQ, preQursor2, McQ, RetroQ, ConsoleQ and the E27
- Wide variety of diverse and warm filters to shape your sound
- Ideal for sound designers, audio engineers and music producers
Full description :
E27 – multistage equalisation

The PSP Audioware E27 is a faithful recreation of a classic, providing E27-style equalisation for the modern user. The three-band multi-stage equalizer provides you with nine selectable frequencies to choose from for maximum versatility. It also offers +/-16dB of boost/cut as well as low/high filters which can be used in Bell or Shelf mode. The extended frequency response gives you full control of your spectrum at every step. You can also generate gentle saturation, ideal for making instruments or vocals stand out within a mix.
Suitable for mixing, mastering and sound design, this highly musical EQ will have you tweaking and experimenting for hours on end. It delivers an analog-type warmth that other digital plugins can’t seem to replicate.
NobleQ – program equalizer with a warm sound

Noble by name, Noble by nature. Combining the architecture of classic program equalisation with an extended frequency response, makes the NobleQ one of the most versatile EQ plugins on the market. Not only is an adjustable high-pass filter included, but you can toggle between Boost and Attenuation programs for the high peak and shelf filters.
Known for its warm sound, the PSP NobleQ is jam-packed with useful features including combined peak and shelf high frequency processing. The high-end processing coupled with double sampling technology provides an analog-style response for a classic sound and feel. You can also utilise a valve-style algorithm with adjustable processing depth for the output.
ClassicQ – inspired by classic British EQs

Want that classic British sound? Look no further. The PSP ClassicQ bases its design on vintage British EQ units capturing the audible characteristics with meticulous detail. Utilising highly musical low and high filters, the ClassicQ achieves the same sound found in Neve-style EQs. It emulates Class-A circuitry coupled with an output transformer to stay true to the vintage-style sound. It also features a range of new features for the modern era including an adjustable high-pass filter, a switchable Q for the low/high shelf filters and sweepable mid-range bell-style filter for maximum control.
preQursor2 – a musical EQ with Advanced Analog Modelling engine

Digital never sounded so analog. The preQursor2 does what many virtual plugins have tried to do before, providing a near-perfect emulation of analog properties and sound. Utilising their custom ‘Advanced Analog Modelling’ engine, the preQursor2 accurately replicates the sound and style of the preamp and filters, capturing every nuance of their characteristics to accurately replicate analog gear. The algorithm can be controlled per instance or globally per group for added flexibility.
McQ – Classic equalisation meets modern innovation

This MSI-style EQ emulation combines the best of both worlds, inspired by analog classics but upgraded for the modern digital user. The eye-catching GUI provides you with six main sections comprised of: Filters, Low, Mid1, Mid2, High and Output. Each frequency band section features both frequency and volume control with a range of additional features not found in the original analog units.
Jam-packed with musical features, the McQ includes offers following Q factors for the midrange bell type filters. This results in the Q factor the filters increasing gradually when boosting or increasing attenuation within a signal. As with the other upgraded plugins, the PSP McQ features adjustable high and low pass filter as well as control for shelving filters and three nominal Q values for the midrange filters.
RetroQ – A distinct EQ with advanced filtering

A new take on a classic. Providing a distinctive sonic signature, this musical equalizer boasts low-phase distortion resulting in a natural and smooth sound. Perfect for mixing and mastering applications, the EQ includes shelf filters based on VintageWarmer’s filters. It also adds in a mid-range filter based on the design of the original internal architecture for a polished and focused sound. Again, an adjustable high-pass filter has been added for further sculpting, turning it into a virtual program equalizer.
ConsoleQ – Capture the sound of classic British gear

The best of British. ConsoleQ’s design is inspired by legendary vintage EQs from the late 70s and early 80s, including AMEK-style EQs. Capture the sound of the most renowned EQs every made, used in Abbey Road studios and in some of the most famous recordings on the planet. Building on the original designs, PSP Audioware have incorporated new features for the modern user. Included is: adjustable high pass filter, steepness (resonance) control for the shelving filters, and three nominal Q values for midrange filters.