
Rust 1

Original price was: €49.00.Current price is: €31.85.

Rust Vol. 1 is an eclectic collection of metal impact and tuned percussion recorded in a variety of natural environments. This first volume focuses on classic small objects and found sounds. You’ll find metal racks, paint cans, soda cans, magnetic balls, steel pipes, brass hardware, a musical saw and odd bits of furniture, along with large structures like mine shaft gates, steel tunnels, towering stairways and massive structural I-Beams.

They’ve incorporated a full range of user controls to allow you total sonic control, as well as a custom set of sound-designed ambient textures and sustains. Their powerful Uberpeggiator allows complex, adaptive arpeggiations and you’ll find tempo-syncing resonant filter and volume LFOs build into nearly every preset. They’ve also included a parametric EQ and convolution reverb with over 50 room and FX impulses to choose from instantly. The Megamixer preset lets you dynamically layer and blend up to 10 instruments at a time, each with custom range and tuning to create your own ensembles, drum kits and acoustic blends. The UI also features tons of custom convolution reverb impulses of a wide variety of halls, rooms and special effects.


  • Black Diamond Mine Shaft – Bare handed pounding on the sides of a sand mine air shaft, outdoor.
  • Gigantic Bottles and Iron Chairs – metal and glass pounding on tile and glass surfaces in a large hall.
  • Brass Rail – Bare hands playing on a thin 4 foot long brass railing, muted and sustained in a dry room.
  • Saint Louis City Museum Caverns – Bare hands slapping on interior walls of giant steel tunnels
  • Coins – A whole lot of quarters in a small, bright hall.
  • Crowbar Strike – A standard 24” crowbar on concrete, close mic’d in a dry studio room.
  • Dolphin Point Bridge – Bare hands on the railing and support beams of a 100 foot long pedestrian bridge over a bayfront waterway.
  • Dumpster / Junkyard Orchestra – Hands, sticks, mallets and hammers against dumpsters and other junk.
  • Galvanized Nipples – galvanized steel pipes played against each other in a dry studio room.
  • Metal Racks – Large steel mesh equipment racks, played with drum sticks and wire, recorded in a semi-dry studio room.
  • Monkey Balls – Hematite egg thingies, banging together in a small, dry room.
  • Tuned Paint Can – An empty steel paint can, played bare handed in a small, dry studio room.
  • Bowed Saw – A standard saw played with a 4/4 scale violin bow in a small, bright hall.
  • Soda Can Tabs – Soda can tabs being plucked in a large, bright hall.
  • Stairwell Railing – Long steel handrails being struck with hard felt mallets in a dark basement stairwell, close-mic’d.
  • Tower Step Bang – Heavy work boots kicking a steel step in a 5 story glass tower, recorded from 40 feet up.
  • UMSL Observatory kinetic sculpture – Bare hands slapping on the steel sides of a gigantic outdoor wind sculpture
  • Willow Bridge – A long pedestrian bridge over a creak, played with bare hands, drumsticks and mallets.


Rust 1 Pluginsmasters

Rust 1 Pluginsmasters


System Requirements for Rust 1

The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 5.1.0 (or later) is required to use the Kontakt 5 .nki instrument presets included in this library. The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 4.2.4 (or later) is required to use the Kontakt 4 .nki instrument presets included in this library. The free Kontakt “Player” and “Add Library” import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows XP or higher. Mac OSX 10.6 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library. This software is delivered as a digital download, so a broadband connection is required.

Product Specs

  • 2,724 Samples
  • 24 nki instrument presets
  • 1.74 GB installed
  • 24 bit / 44.1kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
  • Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization
  • Includes a bonus collection of custom sound-designed ambiences, drones and special FX presets, as well as our favorite custom convolution reverb impulses and an advanced Kontakt user interface with full automation support.

Rust 1 Pluginsmasters