
XLN Audio XO

Original price was: €128.00.Current price is: €76.80.

XLN Audio XO plugin

The perfect companion to your workflow

As standalone, or in your favorite host – XO fits your workflow smoothly and seamlessly.

Load your own samples

Duplicates. Vague file names. Folders in different locations or on external drives. XO sorts them all – regardless of where and how they are stored. Supported file types: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3, OGG, WMA

Find your sound faster

Narrow the scope with XO’s powerful filters and search functionalities to find what you’re looking for even faster.

Ready for action: Factory Samples & Presets Playlists

Get a flying start as a beat maker with XO’s inspiring Presets Playlists and 8000+ hand-picked factory samples. No matter the music style or amount of sounds in your current sample collection, XO has you covered.

Perfect your groove

Sculpt the perfect groove with the curated Groove Templates, Nudge your patterns to boost raw urgency or funky sluggishness, and add life and dynamics to your beat with the powerful Accentuator.

Drag & drop your beat

Drag & drop with ease into your own workflow. Individual samples or the whole kit. Raw or processed samples. As stems or the whole beat. Audio or MIDI

Get to know XO


XLN Audio-XO-Space-pluginsmasters

  • EDIT

XLN Audio-XO-edit-pluginsmasters


XLN Audio-XO-preset-browser-pluginsmasters


XLN Audio-XO-Playground-pluginsmasters


XLN Audio-XO-Export-Search-Filter-pluginsmasters


XLN Audio-XO-Sample-Folders-pluginsmasters


XLN Audio-XO-Sample-Edit-pluginsmasters


Seamlessly sweep through your sounds, regardless of where they are stored.

When you hear something you like, have a look around. You might find something even better close by.


Create your beat with the playful and intuitive sequencer. Sculpt the perfect groove with the Accentuator and the curated Groove Templates.

xln audio-XO sequencer-pluginsmasters


Color and fine-tune your sounds with essential effects and creative modifiers.

xln audio-XO effects and modifiers-pluginsmasters


Explore unlimited variations to beats and sounds in Playground Mode.

Tap into an endless source of happy accidents by swappingor randomizing patterns and sounds – one by one, or all at once.

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System Requirements for XLN Audio XO


  • macOS 10.9 or later (M1 Native & macOS 12 Monterey supported) (64-bit only)
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • Internet connection (during installation only)
  • VST, AU, AAX (64-bit only)
  • Standalone Application (64-bit only)


  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (64-bit only)
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • Internet connection (during installation only)
  • VST, AAX (64-bit only)
  • Standalone Application (64-bit only)


This product should run on any host supporting 64-bit VST, AU, or AAX plugins. XLN Audio actively tests on the host applications listed below:

  • Ableton Live 9 or later
  • Apple Logic Pro 9 & 10
  • Avid Pro Tools 11 or later (Pro Tools First is not supported)
  • Cakewalk by Bandlab
  • Propellerhead Reason 10.3 or later
  • Reaper 4 & 5
  • Steinberg Cubase 8 or later

Please Note: This software is 64-bit only and will not function on 32-bit systems.